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Nitrous Sedation

Dental sedation is a technique that can be used when a patient suffers from dental anxiety or dental phobia. We are happy to offer a number of solutions for our patients to make their dental visit as comfortable as possible. Sedation dentistry techniques enable patients - who might otherwise avoid the dentist - to receive dental treatment necessary for a healthy smile. Depending on the extent of the anxiety or phobia, varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized as described below.


Depending on the extent of the anxiety or phobia, varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized as described below.


Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous Oxide sedation, also known as "laughing gas" is commonly used to make treatment more comfortable. This sedation is inhaled through a mask that allows you to breathe in the medication and induces a state of relaxation. Local anesthetic will be administered in conjunction with nitrous oxide to eliminate pain. This type of sedation does not require the patient to need a driver to/from the appointment. As soon as the mask is removed, the patient is “back to normal”.


Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is when the dentist prescribes a sedative to take 30 minutes prior to a dental appointment (typically reserved for longer, more labor-intensive procedures) and is to bring the sedatives with them as they may take more depending on the length of the appointment. Patients do need drivers to/from appointments while utilizing this method of sedation. These medications cause calming effects and often drowsiness. Some patients report impaired memory of experience during treatment. Local anesthetic will be administered in conjunction with oral sedation to eliminate pain. This is a great option for the especially anxious patient.

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